Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dear psycho-person...

What part of leave me the fuck alone don't you understand? Your constant changing of yahoo messenger names is insulting to my intelligence. You give no intimate details about yourself, you constantly badger me...don't you have an actual life outside the farceness of cyberspace? Or are you just content to stay safely behind a computer screen? wife thinks you're a nutter.


1 comment:

METEOR said...

i can haz cherri pie...

I've actually never been cursed with the blight of having someone like that troll me before. Usually one block is all that it takes; I haven't had anyone particularly persistent try to bug me before.

I guess with popularity and lots of viewers comes hundreds more opportunities for one of them to be a creeper like that. There were times I pined to get lots of attention for my self-gratification! Now I could care less. I'm doing the channel for networking anyway.

It's working great -- except not really because no literate person ever wants to talk to me through any medium. I get all the 'can haz enrgish' types. Good stuff!