Saturday, June 8, 2019

ah monica

Was looking at an old youtube channel by someone that wasn't a fetishist but enjoyed sneezing challenges and chatting with the community.  She eventually stopped creating videos obviously because of her jealous insecure dweeb of a boyfriend.

Current videos are about being single and having a better life now.

I'm glad to see she's out of that, even if she's no longer contributing.

Beautiful nose btw.  :P

Friday, November 9, 2018

I'm flattered by all the influx of new viewers off my latest video.

But it does need to be restated...while anyone and everyone is welcome to enjoy my work, I do identify as cisgender.  Your DMs have been an enjoyment...but...yeah...I like biological bewbs.  lol

Monday, October 15, 2018

I always found it sad when a girl has to leave the community because a guy doesn't approve.

We lost Taylor of C4S because of that...that always rubbed me wrong.  Fucking insecure dude man.

Seeing it now on youtube.

fuckin insecurity.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

"My second video I posted was reported and flagged. I was given a strike so I cannot post for 3 months!"

...uh, that's not how Youtube works.  First strike is a warning, second strike in 3 months you can't post for two weeks, three strikes in three months and you're terminated.

Not to mention I know youtube is fast, but not within 2 hours of you posting.

Some people just like to troll I guess.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Sucking up is incredibly creepy.

I've talked to plenty girls that agree...don't be like this.  It's gross...and tacky...and stalky...and sharky...and other things that end in Y.  Don't be a "wickman"

"The staff was wondering..."

How about the staff members can ask me themselves...or is this an olgiarchy now?

I have NEVER been difficult to talk to.  And I never will be.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Okay....seriously...The Blue Forum

When the holy fuck did that turn into a festering Social Justice Warrior shithole??

I must have been away...but there are some people there that seriously need to stop being such triggered twats.

Christ almighty, it's bad.  And I'm a very open person. 

So sick of outrage culture.  So sad to see a house I helped built crumbling like that.